By Manufacturers,
For Manufacturers


To improve our customers’ productivity with actionable information, through a comprehensive Smart Manufacturing Platform that can seamlessly communicate with all industrial assets and business systems.

Our Team has Deployed
Freedom® All Over the World


The Story of Freedom

Over 200 Years of Collective Experience

Our full-time software development team has over 200 years of collective experience in controls integration, automation, material handling, and discrete manufacturing unparalleled in the IIoT manufacturing industry.

Performance Minded

We’re manufacturing people from the machine tool industry. We hold intrinsic knowledge of machinery and industrial automation process; from milling, turning, grinding, welding, additive manufacturing to robotics, general automation and motion control. 

We’re focused on world class manufacturing performance. Our Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma experience allows us to support companies with their continuous improvement initiatives.

We’re not just software experts – we’re also domain experts in parts processing and operations management.

Actionable Insights

The same team that brought to market the first FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) in the early 80’s and the Cell Controller in the 90’s, has translated that knowledge into a Smart Manufacturing Platform for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) era.

This in-depth knowledge of the manufacturing process, has allowed us to create an innovative Manufacturing Platform that goes way beyond reporting of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and other Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – it provides actionable results you need to run more efficiently and more profitably.

Know Your Manufacturing Rights

Download our founding document, The Manufacturers’ Bill of Rights, to get a better understanding of what Freedom can do for you and your people.

Download the Bill of Rights


Feel free to Take a Look at our Current List of Liberated Customers: